Hi, I’m Colleen Nelson - MA LPC EMDR

Licensed Professional Counselor and Trauma Therapist. I believe in accessible therapy with multiple access points. A secret fact about me is it took me a loooooong time to get into therapy, even as a therapy student. We're all in this together. 

- Colleen

Colleen Nelson’s Therapy Toolbox is an online resource center where you can access real therapeutic support on your time and on your budget.

From online courses to quick therapy kits you can dig deep or problem solve with a quick an accessible tool.
This toolbox will be updated regularly so look around and check back for new tools each season.

Can’t find something you want?

Email me and let me know!


Colleen was a steady source of support for me for 4 life-changing years. She guided me through recognizing a reality that I was not seeing, and then making my own choices to change it for the better. The powerful thing about her is she never told me what to think but led me to ask and answer crucial questions myself. Colleen empowered me by believing in my own capabilities and resilience to build a new life. She’s authentic and relatable yet professional- such a beautiful balance. 
